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Are Pool Chemicals Safe? Here Is How You Can Avoid Them

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Pools, unlike natural ones like rivers and streams, need chemicals to maintain themselves from getting dirty and accumulating bacteria build-up. You just don’t know the behind the scenes of cleaning pools but there are a lot of cleaning agents and products used to balance the pH level of the same. Others often use an automatic swimming pool cleaner to ensure that the water stays balanced.

So the question now is, is a pool filled with chemicals safe for you and your family?

Generally, these chemicals are safe for every person who will jump and swim in the pool. What makes this unsafe are the human factors being mixed with them like blood, sweat, tears, oil, and more. Do you remember the strong odor of what we call the “smell of chlorine” when we’re in community pools? That is not the smell of the chemical but the product of the mixture of the same with human liquids.

Below are the things you can do as the pool owner to make the pool safe even if it contains chemicals:

Use the Suggested Amount of Chlorine

When throwing different kinds of chemicals in the pool, make sure that you only use the suggested amount. This is to make sure that the pH level of the water is balanced and will not cause any skin irritation. You need to also ensure that you only buy the chemicals that are well-trusted.

Do Not Mix and Match Pool Chemicals

Another thing to remember is to not experiment on mixing and matching pool chemicals without professional help. Remember that people will jump into the pool knowing that the same is safe so you have the responsibility to maintain its safety.

Circulate the Water Through Pumping

Make sure to pump the water at least twice a day to ensure that fine dust and debris will be filtered out. You can also shock the water at night after closing the pool to activate the chlorine and make it more effective.

And here are some ways how can pool-goers avoid getting sick from the pool chemicals:

Take a Splash Test

Scoop some water from the pool and splash it on your skin. If after a few minutes, your skin did not react, it’s safe to assume that the pool chemicals will not give you rashes. But, make sure to check your body from time to time if there are skin irritation build-ups.

Shower Before and After Jumping in the Pool

To remove the dirt and germs attached to your body, you need to shower before and after jumping into the pool. This is a precautionary measure that everyone should take to allow everyone to enjoy the pool experience without getting sick right after.

Avoid Swallowing Water

Last but not least, do not swallow pool water because of the chemicals mixed with it. It’s inevitable but as much as possible, lessen spit the water when it gets into your mouth to avoid getting infected.

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