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Importance of magnesium in the body

  • Written by News Company

The magnesium (Mg) is essential for the proper functioning of the organism because it activates and regulates neither more nor less than the energy cell. Without it, just to give an example, serotonin could not be formed in the body, the hormone of well-being and happiness. People order magnesium plus online when they have a magnesium deficiency in their bodies. It is the mineral that works the most in the body. That's how important magnesium is in everyday life. And, strangely, very little we know about it.

According to the scientific studies of human food and nutrition, the figures shown by the lack of magnesium are alarming. More than 75% of the population (3 out of 4 people) have a Mg deficit in their bodies. And worst of all, most do not even know it.

One of the vital minerals in the human body

In the minerals, iron, calcium, phosphorus or potassium, magnesium leads the ranking of the five most abundant minerals in the human body. It occupies the fourth position of the essentials that keep physical and psychic health in balance. It is the mineral that activates the reproduction and regulation of muscle function.

Magnesium is located in the hard tissues, in the muscles and just in the blood plasma. It is involved in more than 300 biochemical reactions and there are very few biological processes in which it does not participate.

Among its vital principles, it impacts the nervous system, blood pressure, insulin metabolism and blood glucose regulation, the immune system, participates in the synthesis of DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid), RNA (ribonucleic acid) and proteins. In addition to this, it activates the reproduction and regulation of muscle function, among many other functions.

Health and beauty benefits

For blood pressure

For blood pressure, a Harvard study on a population above 70,000 people found that those who had high magnesium consumption, their blood pressure figures were healthier.


For diabetes, it was also found that a diet rich in magnesium can reduce the risk of diabetes by up to 47%.

Fibromyalgia, migraines and many more

Research indicates that magnesium contributes to more than 100 health benefits such as fibromyalgia, migraines, insomnia, depression, premenstrual syndrome, constipation, maintains the balance of muscles and nerves, helps strengthen bones.

Detoxifies the body

Mg is a potent detoxifier in the body because it has the power to eliminate heavy metals and environmental toxins.

Magnesium also regulates our mood. It is known that the right amount of magnesium helps reduce the bags in the eyes, dark circles and even get us to have a flat stomach.

Deficiency symptoms

Nausea, insomnia, cramps, muscle pain, fatigue, tachycardia, anxiety, among others, are symptoms that can mean that the person has low magnesium and is not yet aware of it. But as these signals can also have their origin in other pathologies and do not always appear together, it is very difficult to associate it with the deficit of this mineral. Especially since having only 1% of Mg in our blood, it cannot be detected with a simple routine analysis either.

Magnesium deficiency is related to several epigenetic factors such as the consumption of new crops (growing on land lacking this mineral), industrial food (processed and packaged foods), preparation (ways of cooking food can eliminate this nutritional mineral) and the consumption of carbonated drinks (such as soft drinks, which affect their absorption).

Magnesium is a simple and cheap way to solve many health problems such as depression, tachycardia, among many others but the consumption of supplements must be indicated by a doctor since in some cases it can cause kidney problems. However, we can consume it naturally since there are foods that help to generate it.

How to acquire Magnesium

The daily need for magnesium in an adult is 300-350 mg, with some diseases and conditions it can be increased.

The main source of magnesium is food. Beans, nuts, whole-wheat bread, barley and pearl barley, rice, vegetables (especially dark green), bananas, seaweed, prunes, and dried apricots are rich in this trace element.

An additional intake of magnesium in the form of drugs is necessary if it is impossible to eat properly in situations, like being stressed, during pregnancy or intensive sports. Pregnant women need to receive 400-500 mg of magnesium per day, since, in this period, its increased excretion from the body occurs. The need for magnesium is also high in lactating women.

For adults, the therapeutic dose is 28-400 mg per day, for children - 10-30 mg per day. Treatment is recommended for about 1 month, if necessary, you can take 2-3 courses a year.

Magnesium is a macromineral that is not manufactured by the body. Therefore, people should be attentive to incorporate it into the diet. As Spanish biochemistry indicates, 375 mg is the ideal daily consumption.

What are the richest foods in magnesium

1. Bulgur, according to Harvard University, this oriental cereal leads the ranking with 230 milligrams of magnesium per cup.

2. Barley

3. Seeds especially flax and sunflower or pumpkin seeds.

4. Nuts almonds, nuts and hazelnuts.

5. Green leafy vegetables spinach, chard and parsley.

6. Avocado

7. Dark chocolate or cocoa

8. Kefir.

9. Fatty fish and seafood.

10. Whole wheat flour and rice.

Merge these flavors every day as you like. Do not forget that prevention is the basis of a healthy, vital, beautiful and long-lived life.


Young people need more magnesium, as well as those who struggle with excess weight with low-calorie and unbalanced diets. It is necessary to increase the daily rate of magnesium with severe sweating and significant losses of water (playing sports, heat, vomiting, diarrhea), with excessive consumption of alcohol. Additional magnesium will be needed for people with heart disease, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, and diabetes.

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